Thursday, August 8, 2013

AcuRite 00869 Wireless Grill Thermometer

AcuRite 00869 Wireless Grill ThermometerThe accuracy of the thermometer is great. I tested it in ice water and boiling water and it was accurate within 2 degrees in both cases.

My only disappointment is that the remote pager unit does not display the temperature. This is my own fault since on re-reading the description, it only says that the pager can also display a timer. Even there, the pager timer is independent of the one in the main unit, so you have to set both at the same time if you want to see how much time is left from the pager.

I couldn't get any readings beyond 10 feet, there is no temperature reading on the remote. When the probe burnt out (my fault), I tossed the unit rather than throwing more money into a poorly designed item.

Buy AcuRite 00869 Wireless Grill Thermometer Now

A wireless thermometer should, by definition, tell you the temperature wirelessly. This unit does not. It barely beeps when the main unit reaches a preset temp IF you're not out of range, which mine is when it's 10 feet away. This is not the one you want.

Read Best Reviews of AcuRite 00869 Wireless Grill Thermometer Here

I have had mine for over a year and it works great! I love it I use it with a traeger grill and use the magnet on the back to attach the digital readout on the side of the pellet hopper (that doesn't get so hot) then I can just look out my side window without even opening the door and see what the temperature is. It don't really use it for time because I barbeque to the temperature of the meat. If there is one that the remote shows the temperature I think that would be nice, but I am very happy with the accuracy of this one. My meat always turns out perfect.

Want AcuRite 00869 Wireless Grill Thermometer Discount?

The screen could not be read unless viewed at an angle and the remote does not monitor temperature. It would only sound off if the meat timer went off or the temp reached a certain level (that you set).

Save 39% Off

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