Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Vent Register Filters

Vent Register FiltersThese filters do exactly what the package claims: "Helps trap dirt, dust, smoke, and pollen size particles." They are not HEPA filters and do not claim to remove all allergens or dust. But it definitely helps, and I figure it can't hurt, especially at a price this low around $.33/filter!

The filters are easy to install, just remove your vent cover and insert the filter from the bottom. They can be cut to achieve a good fit. After 90 days or so, they can be carefully removed and you will see lots of dust and particles trapped in the filter, on both sides. This system is as effective at keeping particles out of your HVAC system as it is for keeping the system from spreading dust through your home, so I leave them in year round, even though we do not need to use our system in the summer months, just to prevent dust and dirt from entering the ducts. Last summer we did some renovation work. After running the system in the winter after the project, I found that the vents captured a lot of sawdust that had found it's way into the HVAC system. I'm glad these filters were in place otherwise that sawdust would be spread around my home right now.

You can even reuse the filters, lowering cost of use to near $.15 or even lower just wash them thoroughly with water, hang dry, and replace.

I use these vent filters in my window vents, which I made from plastic floor registers, placed sideways into a window, then close the window down on top of the registers. I used a strip of foam insulation along the top of the registers to make a good seal. I put three of these vent filters into each open plastic register, and by placing them in the window I get ventilation and the three filters take out all pollens and dust. I change the filters about every three months. They have been very successful for getting fresh air into the house, without dust or allergens.

Buy Vent Register Filters Now

These catch vent debris very well. The problem we had was that they blocked air flow a lot and made our AC work harder. We took them out...just not energy efficient in our opinion.

Read Best Reviews of Vent Register Filters Here

I purchased some of these last year in a store and installed them before the heat went on. I forgot about them until this winter. I pulled one out and couldn't believe how filthy it was. I couldn't find them in a store this year so I found them on Amazon. I noticed that in one room I forgot to put one in last year and the ceiling fan was very dusty. The fans in the other rooms barely needed cleaning, just a light dust, not even noticeable. As far as blocking air flow, as another user reported, I have not had that experience. I can feel the flow of heat quite well from the vents in the cathedral ceiling and I am a short person. I would recommend this item for cutting down on the dust that circulates in your home.

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I bought this because all my wooden furniture around ducts gets covered in dust. I suspect the ductwork has never been cleaned, and I didn't want to pay to get that done since I was planning on moving soon. I have two registers in one room about 12ft apart (on the same duct), I installed it on one and left the other open I have furniture by both. After about a month of not dusting I could see the one without the filter collected about twice as much dust on the desk right below it. This filter didn't get rid of/capture all the dust, but it definitely made a difference. If you have clean ductwork and a good whole house filter in theory you shouldn't need this, but for those who dont it might work well. It was porus enough to where i didn't notice any great loss in air flow through the registers. Definitely a good product.

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