Monday, October 7, 2013

George Foreman GR0059P 120 Square Inch Healthy Cook Variable Temperature Grill

George Foreman GR0059P 120 Square Inch Healthy Cook Variable Temperature GrillI got this grill for Christmas, and as of today, it has already been used 3 times. I love it, it is the best George Foreman grill I have ever seen. I always liked the grills, but I haven't bought one for years, and the one thing I didn't like has apparently been fixed. Before, they didn't have variable temp controls, and that limited them a bit one what and how you could cook with them. No longer, and it works awesome.

It has even heating, a HUGE surface to cook on, and a very large drain to put in front. I don't know the specific temps it uses for L-M-H, but it works great on low for mushrooms and other things like that, medium for chops to get them just right and fully cooked, and high makes a perfect m/r steak or burger.

Looking forward to a lot of use with this thing, makes dinnertime easier, and warms the house less than the stove/oven, much like my crockpots!

I have been in need of a new George Foreman Grill for a long, long time... my 1st generation grill stopped working months ago, and I have been putting off getting a new one because I wasn't sure that I wanted to shell out the money for the top of the line model. I knew I wanted a variable temp model, and chose this one because of the price point and the temp control. I use my grill mainly for making panini sandwiches and, unfortunately, this grill does not get hot enough to sear, and the top lid and plate are not as heavy as the they are on the older model. It took 15 minutes to grill one panini, when my old model got the job done in five, with a perfect sear on the bread and enough weight from the lid to press the sandwich. I will be returning this model in favor of a different one... hopefully, one that works properly.

Buy George Foreman GR0059P 120 Square Inch Healthy Cook Variable Temperature Grill Now

Wow---I don't know why I waited this long to jump on the George bandwagon, but I'm sorry I did. I realize that an outdoor grill makes almost all the difference in grilled foods, but who has the time during the week to wait for coals to heat up? And why would I want to stand outside with the humidity and mosquitoes biting to grill foods on a gas grill that will take twice as long to cook my food?

For entire meals (meat and vegetables)this is a perfect product for a two person family, for just meat or sandwiches this will really be great for a four person family. I've tried this with all sorts of goods now and I haven't found one that didn't cook to perfection.

I have two complaints and one is that although it is easy to clean, it is a bit awkward to clean the top grill plate. The other is that it did not come with a more detailed instruction/usage manual, but then most of the instructions and recipes can be found easily on line.

I use this product on top of my stove so I can use the fan to take away some of the smoke. Mind you there is NOT a lot of smoke, actually no more than pan frying your foods, but with a glass topped stove it is so much easier this way.

The cord is nice and long and the size of the product itself makes storage in a cabinet or pantry fairly easy. The drip tray allows your foods to not cook in excess fat (just like an outdoor gas grill) The temperature controls allows you to cook things to just the way you want them.

My one regret is that it did not come with a more detailed instruction manual, but then most of the instructions and recipes can be found easily on line.

Read Best Reviews of George Foreman GR0059P 120 Square Inch Healthy Cook Variable Temperature Grill Here

We bought this GF grill for our family with hopes of saving time and keeping the kitchen cool and it did but a a price.

While it can cook a large steak, 4 burgers, or 6 chicken breasts in under 10 minutes, everything that comes out of it is dry dry dry. It might give some "grill marks", but you might as well paint them on cause there's no grilled flavor at all. We haven't enjoyed eating anything coming off this grill. Our wonderful no-stick heavy fry pan does a MUCH better job.

Then there is the MESS.

The thin, shallow, and completely unsecured plastic "grease tray" has to be perfectly positioned to catch all the drippings. It has no weight itself, or even rubberized feet to keep it in place and the grill itself has slippery plastic feet too. Keeping both perfectly aligned while opening and closing it to cook is like trying to stack ice cubes and this is before the counter is greasy from all the "misses". But if you do happen to catch some grease, make sure you don't have far to go with it because trying to keep a shallow foot long grease boat from spilling as you desperately attempt to dump it in the sink is a labor of pure frustration as globs of hot grease splatter onto the floor.

But after the messy cooking job, cleaning is a cinch, right? You'd think that who ever designed this monstrosity of an appliance would have some cleaning method that made sense well, you'd be wrong. Not only don't the non-stick plates come out, but the clam-shell doesn't come apart. So you have to take this greasy grimy mess and somehow finagle it in different directions to clean it out and it needs to be cleaned every time. I spent 15 minutes de-greasing the beast last night a far cry from the 45 seconds it takes to clean out my good fry pan.

I've boxed it up and will be returning it this afternoon!

Want George Foreman GR0059P 120 Square Inch Healthy Cook Variable Temperature Grill Discount?

This replaced my older George Foreman grill and it is wonderful. Simple and I love the ability to set the temperature. My original George Foreman grill did not have this ability. This is just the right size for a family of four.

Save 25% Off

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