Monday, March 24, 2014

Taylor Digital Fork Thermometer

Taylor Digital Fork ThermometerThe Taylor Professional Digital Fork Thermometer is an accurate and handy device for measuring the temperature of meats, liquids and anything that will not damage the fork!

I checked the calibration by inserting it in a pan of boiling water and it measured 213 degrees. Solid ice will take it below freezing.

The hold button is very handy as the temperature will start to change rapidly as you remove the fork from the medium being measured.

The ability to measure in either the Celsius (centigrade) or Farenheit scale will be nice for some people although I prefer Farenheit for cooking.

The ONLY reason I only gave it 4 stars was that it is a bit awkward to see the displayed temperature while the fork is in the meat on the grill. The angle of the handle is not quite right. However, I can now perfectly cook any kind of meat on the grill!

Buy Taylor Digital Fork Thermometer Now

I used this for years, and thought it was pretty good. Then I got a CDN Proaccurate Stainless Digital Thermometer, and realized how wrong I had been.

Never having had an instant-read thermometer before, I thought it was normal to sit there for almost a minute waiting for the temperature to stabilize. Of course, that minute is a big deal if you've taken your steak off the heat and then have to put it back on.

Also, the tines are big, and you have to get a fair amount of them embedded into the meat to get an accurate temperature. You wind up putting big holes in the meat, which then leak a ton of juices. And for thinner steaks, it's hard to navigate in at an angle that lets you get enough of the tines in the middle.

For those reviewers who suggest it's great to have only one utensil: you really don't want to flip steak with a fork anyway. Every time you puncture the steak, you're losing juices. You're much better off with a grill spatula, and a fast thermometer with a small probe.

Read Best Reviews of Taylor Digital Fork Thermometer Here

Used this unit 4 times. It now goes crazy with reading and sometimes just freezes up. You get what you pay for so I'm not too upset.

Actually, it made for a difficult moment when I was hosting and BBQing a rib roast. Because the unit malfunctioned and without any other therm. I had to guess the time. Luckily I guessed right.

It's now stored somewhere in a trash dump lol.

Want Taylor Digital Fork Thermometer Discount?

Right out of the box it won't register any temperature. I changed the battery thinking that the one that came with it might be low, but no dice. Great idea but obviously made very poorly. When I ordered it, I didn't notice that so many people had also had bad experiences with it. Next time, I'll pay more attention to the reviews!

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